Bringing Smiles to Camp Fantastic
Friday | August 9, 2024

Each August, Camp Fantastic provides children with cancer, or are in remission, with a week-long adventure. In an effort to bring smiles and create happy memories, Hunter Graham, Apprentice Lineman; Kevin Fines, Apprentice Lineman; Matt Rulapaugh, Apprentice Lineman; Justin Jarvis, Apprentice Lineman; Carter Christopher, Apprentice Lineman; Collin Burnett, Apprentice Lineman; Jon Perry, Line Foreman; Bryan Coffey, Warehouse Supervisor; Fayette Henshaw, Lead Lineman; and Justin Gilman, Apprentice Lineman, gave bucket rides to campers. 




REC invites nonprofits to apply for funding from The Power of Change. The deadline to apply for the latest round of funding is Aug. 10, 2024.

Warning From REC: Scam Alert

Monday | July 15, 2024
Please be alert for anyone visiting your property or contacting you by phone and claiming to be from REC.

Teaching Safety at Fire & Rescue Camp

Friday | July 12, 2024
REC employees shared a tabletop safety demo at the Caroline County Fire & Rescue Camp.