Adding solar panels to your home or business can be a big decision, but one that can reduce your energy bill and impact the environment. Our solar calculator will help you make an informed decision by using information about your location and estimating available sunlight year-round to understand how a solar project might work for you.
Net Metering
Before choosing to install solar panels, it may be beneficial to learn what you can expect from a solar energy system on your home or business by considering some key factors.
Small Generator Interconnection
Looking to install utility scale generation and sell the output? Here you will find more information on the Small Generator Interconnection process used in Virginia to connect a generator to REC’s grid.
Small Agriculture Generators
Before choosing to install solar panels, it may be beneficial to learn what you can expect from a solar energy system on your agricultural business.
Cooperative Sunshare
Learn more about our community solar program, and how you can join hundreds of others in helping bring more solar power to Virginia.

Solar Benefit

Energy Independence
Depending on the size of the solar array that you choose, the electricity generated from your solar panels can satisfy a decent portion of your electricity needs for 20 to 25 years. Solar panels often produce the most electricity during the summer months when the sun is shining for long hours and at its greatest intensity. Energy generated by solar arrays can reduce REC’s electricity demand during peak hours when energy prices are high.

Possibly boost your property’s value
A recent study done by Zillow indicated that homes with solar panels often sold for 4% more than comparable homes without solar. In some counties and cities in Virginia, solar is exempt or partially exempt from property taxes. More information about this exemption can be found here. Commercial entities that participate in solar are fully exempt from state and local property taxes under the Commercial Solar Property Tax Exemption.

Save money
As your solar panels continue to generate energy to supply your electricity needs, you can expect to see a reduction in your electricity bill from REC throughout the life of your panels. Depending on the finance option you choose and your eligibility, the costs of a solar energy system can be offset by federal and state incentives.

Support clean energy
Choosing to go solar reduces your impact on the environment by decreasing your consumption of electricity generated by fossil fuel sources such as coal, oil and natural gas. Investing in clean energy helps to make the electric grid more reliable and resilient, while also supporting the transition to a low-carbon future.
Green Energy Certificates
At REC we are looking for ways to help you go green. In addition to energy-saving ideas, we offer Green Energy Certificates for purchase by members. To help promote the use of renewable energy sources, like wind and solar, various regional systems are being developed that divides renewable electricity into two parts: the electricity that actually makes its way into the power grid and the environmental benefits of the renewable power source.