The following are REC's current rates, terms and conditions of service. Terms and Conditions
Downloadable Rate Schedules for each use type:
- A-1: Residential and Church Service
Single residences and church sanctuaries. See A-1 Calculator
- A-2: Farm, Civic and Ancillary Residential Service
Non-residential farms, volunteer fire departments and rescue squads, civic clubs, and similar non-profit community service organizations.
- AS-1: Alternate Supplier Cost Adjustment Rider
Applicable to rate schedules HD-1 and LP-3.
- B - 1: Small General Service
Available to single phase non-residential up to 25 kW of demand. See B-1 Calculator
- B-3 General Service
Available to all single phase non-residential accounts with demand greater than 25kW and all three phase customers with less than 200 kW of demand. See B-3 General Service Calculator
- CS-1 Curtailable Service Rider
Available upon request to commercial customers served on Schedule B-3 or LP-1 and that can reduce demand by at least 50 kW during peak times when called upon. For more information contact a key accounts representative at 1-800-920-9288 or by email at
- EF - Excess Facilities
Available whenever excess facilities are provided as described in the Schedule. The EF tariff does not apply to the LP - 2 tariff.
- F: Fees
Fees and charges for customer-specific activities.
- GV: Small Power Production Facilities
Available to Customers with small power production facilities which qualify under Section 210 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, and which have a total design capacity of 100 kilowatts or less
- HD - 1: Large Power High Diversity Service
Available to all three phase non-residential accounts contracting for a demand greater than 500kW. View the HD-1 Provisions Form. For more information contact a key accounts representative at 1-800-920-9288 or by email at
- LP - 1: Large Power Service
Available to all three phase non-residential accounts with demand greater than 100kW. (Firm Rate) See LP-1 Calculator
- LP - 2: Closed Heavy Industrial Service
Available to any industrial Customer contracting for a load of 10,000 kW or more and whose load will be served from a delivery point of the Cooperative's wholesale supplier of electric power and energy devoted exclusively to the service of that Customer.
- LP - 3: Large Industrial Served by Dedicated Substation
Available to all three phase non-residential accounts contracting for a demand of 5000kW with-in 5 miles of a substation. View the LP-3 Provisions Form. For more information contact a key accounts representative at 1-800-920-9288 or by email at
- Net Energy Metering Rider
Available to any distribution Customer owning and operating a renewable fuel generator on his premises which uses as its fuel source solar, wind, or hydro energy, and is primarily intended to offset part or all of the Customer's own electricity requirements.
- Net Metering Notification Form
The State Corporation Commission requires this form be completed and submitted to the Cooperative prior to installing eligible net energy metering generating equipment. A prospective net metering customer considering installing a renewable fuel generator with a capacity in excess of 25 KW is strongly encouraged to contact the electric distribution company prior to making financial commitments to the project.
- OL: Street, Highway and Ground Lighting Service
Available upon request to Customers along the lines of the Cooperative for street, highway, and ground lighting.
- A-1-P: PrePaid Electric Service
Available, on a voluntary and limited basis, to Cooperative Customers, subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Cooperative on file with the Virginia State Corporation Commission, and subject to the availability of the necessary automated metering infrastructure at the Customer’s location. PrePay Brochure, PrePay FAQ, PrePay Terms & Conditions, Print Your Own PrePay Card, Appendix D
- PCA: Power Cost Adjustment
The Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) changes periodically to reflect the Cooperative's current wholesale power costs, which includes both the costs of generating and acquiring the electricity you use, as well as the cost of transmitting that electricity from the power plants to REC's local substations. This State Corporation Commission approved adjustment is a pass-through of actual costs, plus or minus any over- or under-recovery of electricity supply costs.
The PCA Factor is applicable to all Rate Schedules except HD-1, LP-2, and LP-3. In accordance will be adjusted by $0.01564 per kilowatt hour. This adjustment, in combination with the Demand Response Rider of $0.000033, shall appear on the "Power Cost Adjustment" line of the bill. The combined adjustments as it appears on bills is $0.015673 per kWh.
- A-1: Time of Use Service
Available to residential consumers who, by adjusting energy use patterns, may benefit from lower Electricity Supply Service rates during off-peak periods at the risk of paying higher Electricity Supply Service rates for electricity used during peak periods.
- 74: County and Municipal Services
Available to non State Corporation Commission Jurisdictional Entities (public schools, municipal buildings, water plants, sewer plants, etc.). See Schedule 74 Calculator
- Competitive Service Provider
Available to eligible members who opt to use an electricity supply service provider other than the Cooperative.
- Exhibit of Applicable Riders
The riders outlined here are applicable to Rappahannock Electric Cooperative's Rate Schedules: A-1, A-2, B-1, B-3, LP-1, OL, A-1-TOU, A-1-P, and 74.
- Demand Response - A/C Switch Program Schedule DR Rider - 2024
This rider reflects the incremental cost recovery associated with REC's Air Conditioning Cycling Program. View Schedule for the DR Rider.
- Small Agricultural Generation
This schedule is available to customers who qualify as small agricultural generators pursuant to Va. Code 56-594.2 which operate a small agricultural generating facility with a total designed capacity of 1.5 MG AC nameplate or less.
- SSR: Community Solar Rider
Available to Residential accounts on a voluntary basis. Members may purchase solar energy subscriptions in increments of 50kWh blocks. See Cooperative Sunshare Calculator
- RE: 100% Renewable Energy Attributes Rider
Available on a voluntary basis to any member who contracts with the Cooperative for the purchase and retirement of renewable energy attributes for all of the member's monthly consumption. A companion schedule for members who are already under an existing Cooperative Rate Schedule.
- EV: Electric Vehicle Rider
Available on a voluntary, first-come, first-served basis to residential members in good standing that receive electric service under Schedule A-1. Provides a monthly rebate to participating members who drive an electric vehicle (EV) or hybrid-plugin model and agree to charge their vehicles during off-peak hours. Learn more about EVs
- PTR: Peak Time Rebate
Schedule PTR is available on a voluntary basis to residential and small commercial Cooperative customers in good standing that receive electric service under Schedule A-1, Residential and Church Service or Schedule B-1, Small General Service. Customers receive a rebate for using less electricity on specific days in the summer.
- VBU-EE Rider: Vividly Brighter Upgrades Energy Efficiency Rider Available on a voluntary basis to members that receive electric service under Schedule A-1. The Cooperative will help to install energy-efficiency upgrades in the member’s home. In exchange, the member will pay a monthly energy savings charge, over time to cover the cost of the energy efficiency measures and program. Terms and Conditions apply. Learn more about VBU-EE.
- New or Expanding Load Rate Rider NEL
Service under this Rider is an alternative supply option for specific commercial and industrial members.