We are all interconnected with our environment. At REC, we are committed to providing safe, reliable and sustainable electricity. Our initiatives and programs combine environmentally friendly, clean energy solutions with a host of cost saving best practices that deliver secure, clean, and efficient energy. What’s more – we have the solutions in place for you to become a renewable generator at your own home or business. 


Vividly Brighter®

In recent years, you have asked for new ways to save money and move our communities toward a brighter future. This led us to create Vividly Brighter® - a suite of innovative products and services designed to improve lives and strengthen communities. We want our member-owners to enjoy energy sources and systems that focus on solutions for the future. Some parts of Vividly Brighter® have been around for years, while others are new or improved. 

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Smarter SmartHUb

At REC, we are always looking for ways to help you save money and reduce your energy usage. In short, we want to add VALUE for your as a member-owner. That’s why your cooperative is so excited to share a new feature in the MyREC SmartHub app, which is available for free in both the App Store and Google Play. Always wondered how much your clothes dryer, dishwasher or oven is costing you everyday?

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Save Energy & Money

Is your home as energy efficient as it could be? Not sure where to begin? The tips below will help you identify some ways that you can save energy and cut the cost of your electric bill.

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In celebration of Arbor Day, members of REC's Vegetation Management team took part in a number of tree plantings throughout our service area, partneri...

REC Supports Local Career Day Events

Saturday | May 11, 2024
Over the last month, REC has attended and supported a number of career day events at local schools and technical centers. 
REC celebrates Arbor Day with community tree planting.