REC Youth Tour Application

Home Address
List scholastic activities that you have participated in for school or in your community, any special awards or honors you have received or offices you have held. Be sure to include dates of participation.

Choose ONE of the following two activities to complete:



Write a letter to an elected official about an important issue you are interested in and attach it to this application. This letter should be no more than one page in length. You may choose to write in favor of or against this issue. The topic for the letter may be of local, state or national interest. And depending on the topic, the letter should be addressed to your representative on your county board of supervisors, to Richmond to your General Assembly members or to Washington, D.C. to your members of Congress.

One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, doc, docx, .

- OR -


Create a video of no more than 90 seconds. Use this video to introduce yourself. The video should be creative, fun, and interactive. It should accomplish the following: Introduce yourself, describe any community or school activities you are involved in, let us know what hobbies, talents and special interests you may have, tells us what your future plans are, and let us know how the Washington Youth Tour will benefit your future ambitions.

ALSO Provide A Letter of Recommendation: 

Attach a letter from an adult who is a school, community, or church leader. This person should not be your parent, guardian, or other relative. Reference should include the following information: How have you become acquainted with the student? How long have you known this student? Why do you feel this student would be a valuable representative on the Washington, D.C. Youth Tour?

One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, doc, docx, .

Questions concerning the Washington Youth Tour should be addressed to:
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