Larry Andrews

Chief Administrative & Finance Officer 

Larry Andrews is REC's Chief Administrative & Finance Officer. Andrews leads the cooperative's interests in finance and accounting, human resources, safety, risk, operational support services, facilities, and procurement. Andrews has more than 30 years of leadership experience in electric cooperative finance and accounting, as well as the banking industry. With other senior leaders, he has shared the responsibility of defining the Cooperative's goals and objectives to ensure the successful implementation of the Cooperative's strategic plan, comprehensive facility plan and internal control efforts.

Andrews serves as Vice President for the National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives (NSAC) Electric Cooperative Chapter. He is also the Fredericksburg Host Lion's Club President, and a member of the Association for Financial Professionals.

Andrews holds a Master's of Business Administration from the University of Mary Washington and a Bachelor's of Science in Management from Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University. Larry is also a certified treasury professional (CTP).


Arbor Day with Madison Co-op Extension

Thursday | April 20, 2023
As part of the annual Arbor Day festivities, members of REC's Vegetation Management Department planted a Red Maple with students from Madison Primary ...
April is National Safe Digging Month, and REC reminds homeowners and professional excavators to always visit before digging on any property....
For over an hour, on on the evening of April 13, member-owners of Rappahannock Electric Cooperative (REC) participated in a question-and-answer discus...