Saving money on your Electric Bill
Saving Money on your Electric Bill
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We were in the studio today with Louis O’Berry, REC Energy Management Advisor to get some tips and suggestions for saving money this winter on our electric bills. Louis told us about weatherproofing options, gave us statistics about the percentage of energy heating our homes uses and impact on our bills. We talked about changing furnace filters, the cost of using space heaters (and the difference between the various types), where most heat escapes and how to prevent it in order to conserve energy, save money on your bill and heat your home much more efficiently. Plus, we discussed the ideal temperature in your home and whether you should turn the heat down while you’re gone during the day. Our conversation continued even after we went off the air, but you can hear the whole thing on this podcast.

We also talked about the MyREC SmartHub app and the different benefits members have by using it. 


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