REC Brightens the Future for Local Students
Thursday | December 10, 2020

REC is a strong advocate for STEM education activities and programs. To help the fourth grade students of Essex Intermediate School learn about electricity, REC sponsored the purchase of a science kit for each student.

To help students interactively learn about electricity for their science SOL, each fourth grade student will receive a Magnetism Kit and an Electric Circuit Board Kit. 

“REC is making the future brighter for our scholars and we thank the Cooperative for the partnership in moving our students forward on the path of excellence,” said Ms. Calhoun, principal of Essex Intermediate School. 




REC employees dropped off toys to Caroline’s Promise's toy drive.

Powering Holiday Cheer

Thursday | December 21, 2023
REC employees delivered outdoor lights to and helped decorate the Louisa Arts Center and helped to hang lights at Caroline County's administrative bui...
On Friday, Dec. 15, eleven REC employees helped unload 800 boxes of wreaths for volunteers to lay on the graves of veterans at Culpeper National Cemet...