REC Helps to Train Fire & Rescue Recruits
Thursday | August 15, 2024

John Medved, Director – Safety & Security Officer, assisted the Frederick County Fire & Rescue’s training day for new recruits. There were different fire scenarios provided and John acted as a lineman in the related scenarios. He also provided training to the new recruits regarding electrical safety. 




REC at the Shen Valley Apple Harvest Festival

Tuesday | September 19, 2023
REC employees had a blast connecting with the community at the Shenandoah Apple Harvest Festival in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley.

REC Wraps Up the 2023 Farmer's Market Season

Monday | September 18, 2023
The season of Farmers Markets wrapped up, keeping employees busy with connecting with members.

Putting the WoW Factor in Career Expo

Sunday | September 17, 2023
Apprentice Linemen Kevin Ryan and Hunter Jost met with students at the Worlds of Work (WoW) career expo to share about their job and responsibilities ...