REC Joins Holiday Festivities at Bowling Green Christmas Parade
Monday | December 13, 2021

With the trucks decked out in lights and a snowman strapped in the truck bed, REC joined the holiday fun at the Bowling Green Christmas Parade on Dec. 12. 

Patrick Ambrose, Line Foreman; Ray Seip, Field Operations Foreman; Cherwanda Minor, Bowling Green Regional Assistant; Alister Pollard, Apprentice Lineman; and Stuart Schools, Energy Management Technician & Master Technician, joined the local fun by waving and passing out candy. 

Bowling Green



REC Awards Community Grants

Thursday | March 17, 2022
Caring for community is a core principle of all cooperatives, and at REC that means giving back to groups that do so much to take care of those in nee...
The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Fredericksburg has been changing the lives of local children since 1967 by matching them with a one-on-one men...

REC Responds to Storm-Related Outages

Saturday | March 12, 2022
REC line crews, contractors and other field personnel are responding to storm-related outages as strong winds, snow, sleet and bands of heavy rain mov...