REC Sponsors Richmond Youth Legislative Day
Friday | February 9, 2018

To show the importance of being involved in the legislative process, REC recently hosted its annual Richmond Youth Legislative Day. Zuri Hicks of Spotsylvania, Kevin Korkiewicz of Orange, Niall Lowrie of Caroline, Matthew Myers of Culpeper, Evan Phaup of Hanover, McKenzie Smith of Greene and Kaylee Wedding of Caroline, each students from REC’s 2017 Washington Youth Tour program, traveled to Richmond to view state government in action.

The cornerstones of the day’s activities were meetings with House of Delegate members Robert D. Orrock Sr., R-Caroline, and Hyland F. “Buddy” Fowler, R-Hanover, visiting the Virginia Executive Manson, attending a session of the Virginia House of Delegates and touring the Virginia State Capitol. Speaking directly with the students, each official stressed the importance of younger adults participating in the democratic process and offered insight into the serious issues impacting Virginia at the state level.

“Actions by the General Assembly directly impact every one of us, including young adults,” said Brian Wolfe, REC’s youth tour coordinator. “It’s very important for high school students to become involved in the democratic process. The Cooperative’s Youth Tour program provides students a stepping stone to learning how they can make a difference.”

Applications for the 2018 Washington Electric Youth Tour program are currently being accepted. For additional information about the program or to obtain an application, please visit or contact Brian Wolfe at 1-800-552-3904, ext. 5914.

REC provides electric service to over 165,000 connections in parts of 22 Virginia counties. With its general office in Fredericksburg, Va., Rappahannock maintains more than 17,000 miles of power lines through its service area, which ranges from the Blue Ridge Mountains to the tidal waters of the Chesapeake Bay. For information about REC, please visit

Youth Tour


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