REC's Youth Tour Students Meet Local Delegates
Tuesday | February 18, 2020

Rappahannock Electric Cooperative’s (REC) Youth Tour provides local students with a once-in-a-lifetime experience see their state government in action.

On Feb. 13, Kaylan Campbell, Madison County; Jose Cerritos-Martinez, Culpeper County; Nicholas Coates, Madison County; Tommy Garloch, Spotsylvania County; Cindy Gonzalez-Ramirez, Greene County; Nick Goudeau, Culpeper County; Jerry Morris, Greene County; and Henry Wood, Rappahannock County toured the General Assembly building, visiting with each of their House of Delegates members. The students were able to learn about the legislative process and current issues being addressed by each delegate.

The group viewed the beginning of the day’s session in the House Gallery and were recognized from the House floor by Delegate Bobby Orrock. Following their meeting with local Delegates, they toured the Virginia State Capitol, learning about its history and its importance to both the state of Virginia and the United States.

The students met with Delegate Buddy Fowler, 55th district; Delegate Bobby Orrock, 54th district; Delegate Nick Freitas, 30th district; and Delegate Michael Webert, 18th district.

Youth Tour


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