REC works hard every day to provide its members with safe, reliable electricity. REC regularly plans projects to upgrade power lines. Upgrades can more than double the capacity compared with the old lines and improve service reliability. In addition, these upgrades give crews the opportunity to restore service through load transfers, something that's not possible without replacing lines.


Managing trees, maintaining reliability, and improving natural habitat.


Innovative technology meets the increasing demand for energy.


From maintenance to inspections and large scale projects we remain focused on reliability.


REC Supports Local Intern Expo

Tuesday | February 21, 2023
REC was proud to be a sponsor of the second annual Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce’s Intern Expo on Tuesday, Feb. 14. The day-long fair is...
REC invites nonprofits to apply for funding from The Power of Change. The deadline to apply for the latest round of funding is Feb. 10.
REC recently donated $500 to the Love Outreach Food Pantry of Orange County. The money represented the cash prize REC received for winning first place...