REC works hard every day to provide its members with safe, reliable electricity. REC regularly plans projects to upgrade power lines. Upgrades can more than double the capacity compared with the old lines and improve service reliability. In addition, these upgrades give crews the opportunity to restore service through load transfers, something that's not possible without replacing lines.


Managing trees, maintaining reliability, and improving natural habitat.


Innovative technology meets the increasing demand for energy.


From maintenance to inspections and large scale projects we remain focused on reliability.


Trees are a leading cause of power outages, with 70% of REC’s outages caused by trees located outside of a right-of-way. To address this ongoing chall...
Bamboo threatens REC’s infrastructure. When left unchecked, bamboo can grow quickly into overhead power lines, posing a serious risk for power outages...
Viviana Garcia joins REC as part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Energy Innovator Fellowship program. The program provides recent graduates a...