Power Up for a Cleaner Virginia

As your company ramps up its renewables commitment, REC is ready.

On-Site Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is an important part of REC’s power supply today and will be in the future. If powering your business with renewable energy is a step you’re ready to take, let REC help you get interconnected. Renewable energy systems may lower your energy costs over time, and the electricity you generate is free of carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases. REC has residential, commercial, and agricultural members who are currently interconnected.

Off-site Renewable Energy

REC is increasing its percentage of renewables as part of our existing power supply mix. We have several long-term purchase power agreements (PPAs) for energy generated by wind, solar, and landfill gas resources. We are committed to a goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. This means that over time, more energy from your electric bill will come from clean and reliable renewable sources.

Fleet Electrification

REC is fully committed to helping your company meet its electric transportation goals and assisting you in electrifying your fleet or adding electric vehicle charging to your workplace. REC can assist with the infrastructure upgrades and the entire process to bring sustainable benefits to your office and your employees. REC has had electric vehicles in its fleet for years and provides free charging for its own employees. Additionally, REC has interconnected electric vehicle public chargers throughout its service territory.

Battery Storage

REC’s battery storage project provides member-owners with more resilient, sustainable, and affordable energy. REC is ready to help your business in meeting its energy storage needs and resiliency goals.

REC’s 2 MW battery storage project adds value to the grid by:

  • Providing resiliency to REC member-owners by temporarily providing electricity when the transmission system fails and the substation and the members served by it would otherwise be without power.
  • Managing wholesale power costs by dispatching stored energy during peak times when electricity is more expensive for the Cooperative to purchase.
  • Investing in innovative technology to enhance reliability and reduce members’ costs.

Renewable energy, battery storage, and resiliency options abound. Let REC help you with battery storage, on-site renewable energy, and fleet electrification.

Business News

REC Recognized for Strong Customer Satisfaction

Thursday | September 26, 2024
REC members have spoken, and as a result the Cooperative and its employees earned both a 2023 and a 2024 Customer Satisfaction Award from the American...
REC proudly marks a significant milestone in its mission to ensure broadband connectivity across our communities, with 5,000 Cooperative members now e...

REC Helps to Train Fire & Rescue Recruits

Thursday | August 15, 2024
REC's Director of Safety assisted the Frederick County Fire & Rescue’s training day for new recruits.