Statement in Response to News Articles Regarding Reform Candidates
Wednesday | June 5, 2019

Rappahannock Electric Cooperative (REC) welcomes candidates for the board of directors, and encourages all REC members to participate in the democratic process of electing directors. It should be clearly noted that there are in fact seven candidates seeking election to three board seats: 3 incumbent directors, three who have chosen to identify themselves as reform candidates, and an independent candidate.

On June 10, information provided by each of the seven candidates along with a 3-minute video statement by each will be available on the REC website, In July, REC members will receive proxy cards that they can complete and return to help elect the candidates of their choice. The Cooperative encourages all members to review the candidate information and to carefully consider who they want to represent their interests as the Cooperative pursues its mission of connecting members and communities with safe, reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy solutions.

REC stands by its statement issued November 12, 2018, regarding wholesale power costs. A one-year “snap shot” taken out of context of past and future power costs is not a complete nor accurate analysis. As for renewables, approximately 14% of all electricity currently delivered to REC members is generated from renewable sources. REC is working with our power supplier to increase that percentage in a cost effective manner. Additionally, last September REC introduced an SCC-approved option where members can individually contract to receive a greater share of renewable energy. While relatively few members have taken advantage of this option, we continue to promote it and encourage participation.

The process for electing directors is simple and member-friendly, and all members are encouraged to participate in the director election. Members can attend the meeting and vote in-person, or they can participate by proxy. The proxy can be submitted either by mail, or online by members who are enrolled in MyREC SmartHub. The proxy form and instructions are very clear in the mechanics of proxy voting: members can check a box and write in the name of another member to whom they assign their vote, or check a box to assign their vote directly to the board of directors. The instructions clearly state that if a member does not check either of the above options, then the proxy vote will be assigned to the board of directors. Members may instruct their proxy holder, either the board or another person, how to cast their vote, or members can allow their designated proxy to decide on their behalf.

Prizes are offered with the single purpose of encouraging members to participate in the democratic process, either in person or by proxy. REC’s Bylaws require participation by 2½ % of the membership in order to achieve a quorum. A t the same time as REC’s membership has been growing, participation in the annual meeting and election process has been declining, making achieving a quorum more challenging, so we are providing additional incentives to increase participation. Prizes are awarded blindly, with no knowledge of to whom the proxy is assigned or how the vote is to be cast.

REC Statement


REC’s Vegetation Management team has been conducting intensive research and adopting innovative techniques to reduce tree-related outages.

REC Warns of Email Scam

Wednesday | February 19, 2025
REC has become aware of a scam targeting its members, where criminals attempt to divert payments intended for REC into fraudulent accounts.