Don’t get caught in the dark. An ounce of preparation can pay off huge in the event of a power outage. REC has a few tips you can use to make certain your family or business is ready for the next big storm.

Start here.

  • Flashlights and fresh batteries.
  • Battery-powered radio or TV and extra batteries.
  • Cell phone chargers (make sure your cell phone is fully charged).
  • Land-line phone with cord (cordless phones require electricity).
  • Battery-powered or windup alarm clock.
  • Supply of bottled water (one gallon per person per day).
  • Non-perishable foods that require no heating.
  • Blankets, bedding or sleeping bags.
  • First-aid kit and prescription medications.
  • Hand-operated can opener.
  • Special items for infants, the elderly or family members with special needs.
  • A variety of hand tools.
  • List of emergency and REC phone numbers.
  • Identification and copies of important family documents in a waterproof container.
  • Cash (ATMs may be unavailable).

Create a family emergency plan.

  • Discuss what to do in case of an emergency.
  • Bookmark REC's Outage Center on your smart device.
  • When there is impending dangerous weather, fill your bathtub with water if your supply depends on electricity.
  • Make sure your cell phones are charged.
  • Protect and unplug electronic equipment.
  • Ensure your contact information is up to date in MyREC SmartHub or call us at 800-552-3904.
  • If needed, register for REC's Serious Medical Condition Program (download the enrollment form and learn more).
  • If someone relies on life support equipment, identify an alternate location with power where they can go during an outage.
  • Fill up your vehicles with gas in the event that you need to evacuate or relocate to another area; and if you use a portable generator, fill up fuel cans.
  • Identify an evacuation route if needed.


As of 11:30 a.m., REC crews have restored the majority of outages caused by Wind Storm Jett, with most of the remaining outages expected to be restore...
REC crews are responding in force to restore power this evening after prolonged wind gusts of 50-plus-mph roared through Virginia on Sunday.

REC: Prepare Now for Powerful Snowstorm

Monday | February 10, 2025
REC urges all members to prepare for the potential of widespread, prolonged power outages as a result of a major storm projected to drop several inche...