Thermostat Wars
Thermostat Wars
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Our conversation today with Louis O’Berry, Energy Management Advisor for Rappahannock Electric Cooperative included some strategies for a common household issue in both summer and winter months: thermostat wars. One person likes it warmer, the other cooler; one likes to conserve energy, the other just wants to be comfortable; it’s an age-old argument. Louis gives us a few tips and talks about the savings involved with finding a compromise.


Standing Out at the Frog Level Parade

Sunday | October 29, 2023
REC was hard to miss at the Frog Level Festival and Parade.

REC at the Career Fair

Saturday | October 28, 2023
REC employees talked with students at career days in Greene and Caroline counties.

REC Joins the 2023 Jack-O-Lantern Jubilee

Friday | October 27, 2023
REC employees passed out candy to princesses, witches, ghosts and ghouls alike at the Warren County DSS Jack-O-Lantern Jubilee on Oct. 26.