Thermostat Wars
Thermostat Wars
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Our conversation today with Louis O’Berry, Energy Management Advisor for Rappahannock Electric Cooperative included some strategies for a common household issue in both summer and winter months: thermostat wars. One person likes it warmer, the other cooler; one likes to conserve energy, the other just wants to be comfortable; it’s an age-old argument. Louis gives us a few tips and talks about the savings involved with finding a compromise.


REC Supports Local Intern Expo

Tuesday | February 21, 2023
REC was proud to be a sponsor of the second annual Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce’s Intern Expo on Tuesday, Feb. 14. The day-long fair is...
REC invites nonprofits to apply for funding from The Power of Change. The deadline to apply for the latest round of funding is Feb. 10.
REC recently donated $500 to the Love Outreach Food Pantry of Orange County. The money represented the cash prize REC received for winning first place...