Thermostat Wars
Thermostat Wars
Recorded on

Our conversation today with Louis O’Berry, Energy Management Advisor for Rappahannock Electric Cooperative included some strategies for a common household issue in both summer and winter months: thermostat wars. One person likes it warmer, the other cooler; one likes to conserve energy, the other just wants to be comfortable; it’s an age-old argument. Louis gives us a few tips and talks about the savings involved with finding a compromise.


Brightening Up the Car Show

Sunday | August 21, 2022
On Aug. 20, REC’s Vividly Brighter electric vehicle was on display at J & R’s 7th Annual Car, Truck & Motor Show.

REC Has Fun at the Clarke County Fair

Friday | August 19, 2022
REC participated in the Clarke County Fair on Aug. 18.

Sharing Safety Info at the Jamboree

Sunday | August 14, 2022
The Madison County Public Schools Back to School Jamboree drew a crowd on Aug. 13.