Does Louis “Walk the Walk?”
Does Louis “Walk the Walk?”
Recorded on

During our conversation today with Louis O’Berry, Energy Management Advisor for Rappahannock Electric Cooperative, we discussed his personal energy saving practices (as well as those of other REC employees) in his own home. We tried to determine whether Louis actually walked the walk or simply talked the talk. Have a listen and decide for yourself.


Standing Out at the Frog Level Parade

Sunday | October 29, 2023
REC was hard to miss at the Frog Level Festival and Parade.

REC at the Career Fair

Saturday | October 28, 2023
REC employees talked with students at career days in Greene and Caroline counties.

REC Joins the 2023 Jack-O-Lantern Jubilee

Friday | October 27, 2023
REC employees passed out candy to princesses, witches, ghosts and ghouls alike at the Warren County DSS Jack-O-Lantern Jubilee on Oct. 26.