Does Louis “Walk the Walk?”
Does Louis “Walk the Walk?”
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During our conversation today with Louis O’Berry, Energy Management Advisor for Rappahannock Electric Cooperative, we discussed his personal energy saving practices (as well as those of other REC employees) in his own home. We tried to determine whether Louis actually walked the walk or simply talked the talk. Have a listen and decide for yourself.


Thousands of children, parents and senior citizens visit Chet Hobert Park in Clarke County each year to swim, play tennis, hit baseballs and softballs...
REC's Vegetation Management Department partnered with the Culpeper Middle School FFA Club to plant a tree on the school grounds to celebrate Arbor Day...

Arbor Day at Milton Valley Cemetery

Thursday | April 20, 2023
To celebrate Arbor Day, members of REC's Vegetation Management Department partnered with Clarke County to plant a dogwood at Milton Valley Cemetery in...