Electric Cars
Electric Cars
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Our conversation today with Joyce Bodoh, Government Affairs & Demand Response Administrator, with Rappahannock Electric Cooperative included discussion about electric cars (EV). REC purchased their first EV in 2017.

We talked about how they work, the benefits to our environment and our wallets, plus we discussed under what circumstances they might be a good fit for you and your family. Joyce told us about charging stations, who and how they should be installed at your home as well as apps to assist you in locating them during a trip.


REC joined the holiday fun at five events in the Culpeper area.

REC to Help Host Second Girl Power Camp

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Connecting more women with the energy industry has been an industry-wide goal over the past few years, particularly the field of line work. REC is pr...

REC Supports Caroline County Parks & Rec

Wednesday | November 30, 2022
REC linemen assisted the Caroline County Department of Public Works relocate a 35-foot flagpole.