Once you have signed up for this service, you will no longer need to wonder how much you will spend per month on electricity. When you start, your Budget Billing payment amount will be based on the monthly bill average over the previous 12 months. That amount will be reviewed each spring and fall, and it will be adjusted to reflect any changes in total charges during the previous six months.

To sign up for Budget Billing, your current bill must be paid by the due date. Please note that Budget Billing amounts may be periodically adjusted if your account accumulates a large credit or debit balance. Any balance (either money owed to you or money you owe to REC) will be carried over and averaged into the new budget amount.

Budget Billing is free. To enroll, call 800-552-3904 or send an e-mail to office@myrec.coop.


REC Recognized for Strong Customer Satisfaction

Thursday | September 26, 2024
REC members have spoken, and as a result the Cooperative and its employees earned both a 2023 and a 2024 Customer Satisfaction Award from the American...
Over the summer, REC’s Vegetation Management team supported the Virginia State Arboretum’s initiative to pollinate American chestnut trees at Blandy E...

REC Warns of In-Person Impersonation Scams

Friday | September 20, 2024
REC has seen an increase in potential in-person scams in the southeast portion of its service area.